Saturday, 2 January 2021

Its just not fair!

My Aunty and I were discussing coats over skype as we were both going out in the cold December afternoon. We swapped images of what we thought the other should wear and my heart was telling me how much I loved the look of those coats. That’s when Aunty said its just not fair! And I agreed.

Why can’t I wear such a gorgeous coat, why can’t my
coat have pretty lace layers? Why are my coats so boring? I would love to match it with a skirt, something above the knee in a nice material that makes the heart ace when you caress a hand over it. These jeans are just so uuugh. 


 I would choose a pretty blouse that would show my figure, shoulders that made me look like a princess, beautiful cuff details not a crappy T-shirt or shirt that has no personality its just white with buttons. No need for a tie – what the hell is the point of a tie, no I can wear necklaces or a dainty silk scarf tied around my neck. If its cold I would not grab a sweat shirt there are plenty of cute cardies that actually fit and look good in lots of colours and styles.

The range of panties is endless and so exciting and colourful, they feel good on the skin and slide under my clothes, so much better than my boy pants. Even the socks have pretty details and why not! Stockings keep you warm in winter and make my legs look good so why not wear them all the time so everyone can see, no point in hiding them under some baggy joggers. A bra or corset helps with my posture, I walk more upright, it has got to be good for my back.






Make-up can hide any spots or blemishes, that’s better for everyone looking at me. Lippy would moisturize my lips so come on, it has got to be part of my daily routine. Paint my nails and I won’t be biting them anymore but admiring them. Earrings only make my face look more interesting, why wouldn’t I want that?

 No need to chuck a day sack over my shoulder or a bag for life, have you seen the choice when it comes to bags and some are sooooo incredible it makes me squeal. All colours and designs to match any outfit. I love Hello Kitty as much as the next little girl you know!



And the shoes, its like a new world. They come in every size and shape, with straps, heels, materials, boots you can wear everywhere and they make you look so tall and slender and move with dignity.

So yes Aunty, its just not fair!

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