Tuesday, 8 October 2019


I feel that the last few weeks my sissy life has gone through some changes, not my actual girl time (that's not changed much at all) but my feelings and desires have gone up a notch. Maybe its because I have spent more time chatting to guys or more time thinking about how I could meet those guys or just my trip in a few weeks but now I can't stop devising plans in my head to get away in  all my girly glory.

When I was in town on an errand I popped into superdrug and bought some liquid foundation and make-up sponges ready for my trip. I just wanted to get some after watching some make-up videos on youtube. Before it was more about feeling sexy wearing sexy clothes but now I am thinking I want to look nice, cute and sexy.

Yesterday I ordered a lace choker on ebay because I thought it would look cute on me, I wanted a sissy tag to go with it but could not find one then I had the idea that I could make one. I had a tag and could just print it and fix it on. While at work I used word to make a couple of designs then printed them off. Not a care who might see!

Today I have been thinking about a hand bag, I checked matalan as will be near one when away then looked up the charity shops in the vicinity just so I could shop! I discovered that I like black leather handbags the best and not too small.

Tvchix has also been a revelation, I have made a few connections with people which I hope to do something about next month. There is a club in Harlow called Pinks which I would so love to attend so just need a good plan to get over there.
So that me, please leave me a message or get in touch. xx

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