Wednesday 18 December 2019


So its that time of year that every girl (or girly boy) looks at getting a new outfit for that special occasion. It might be for a dinner, a party, a date, lunch, theatre or hotel room so I am putting together a list of what I would buy for my special night out.

So I have been using pinterest to find suitable outfits, anything that gets my attention I stick it on my ideas board then review later. The outfits should be suitable for me to wear with my body shape but looking for a range of styles. Love to hear your comments on my choices and for more suggestions.

1. Shiny and black
2. All encased in Satin
3+4. Take some stuffing

5. Colour fantastic

 6. Ruffles and high neck
7. Casual green

8. You shall go to the ball

9. Silver dollar

10. Room Service

So all great outfits for various occassions which do you prefer?


Sissy Kaaren said...

I love the Ball Gown....I mean how often do you get to wear something as beautiful as that!!!!!

Poppet Subslut said...

Hi Janine,

i tend to avoid skirts that are too tight as i end up with a visible bulge where i don't (myself) want one so i go for skirts that are slightly looser or with a flare, pleats etc. Agree re your comment about 'filling' - i can only dream.

i love your ideas though. Have you considered anything slightly sheer? My favourite of your list is number 9. Lovely lenght and colour, hides a bulge and can wear with a bra so easier to create boobs.


CD Janine said...

Hi Karen,
Yes indeed would be an absolute pleasure to be taken to a ball and dance the night away in a dress so gorgeous. Then maybe give my man some oral pleasure for taking me out.

Hi Poppet,
Glad you are enjoying my blog, I love looking at and commenting on girly clothes just wish there were more blogs talking about the dressing part of CD life. Would love to see more videos of guys put into skirts or dresses and then used. You are right about number 9, it is one that we could actually wear and look great in.

Janine xx

gerita said...

omg! The silver dollar is fantastic! So sissy! And the rest marvellous. Kisses

CD Janine said...

Hi gerita, glad you enjoyed my list. Now I wish I had commented on each choice and said why I liked the outfit and how it would feel to wear it for my date.
Janine xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Janine!
I love any of those shiny dresses... colors are all great, as is black, lol!
Hope you had a wonderful new years, dear!

CD Janine said...

Hi sara, hope you had a good time as well. All the best for 2020.
Janine xx

Xabi said...

All dresses look beautiful to me.
But the imagination of feeling the first red dress excites me. I can not help it. I love.

Thank you so much for sharing it.

Best regards.

Lee said...

I am loving #5, an eye catching color and fabric. The better to show off your legs.