Wednesday 8 June 2022

Bra Size

 I have always enjoyed putting on and wearing a bra. Probably because its what women wear to cover their breasts and breats are a sexual part of the body and men don't normally have them. So to wear a bra menas you have breasts so you are a girl (that is what my mind tells me anyway). I love the look of bras, love that they have straps, love that you can feel them and love that they make me look even more girly. Stuffin ghr cups with tights is nice to get the shape but when I got my forst inserts I was in heaven. You can feel them on you , moving and pulling, they look fantastic and give a very convoncing shape and cute to hold. I am now converted to having tits (I will talk about the breast and nipple cups another time). I do wonder what huge breasts would be like, how that would feel and what would people think of me? Add that to my very long bucket list!


Its simple but so elegant and would look so great through a sheer blouse
Who wouldn't want a draw that looked like this

Its cute but difficult to hide under a t shirt!

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