Sunday 11 November 2018


Well I am starting to get super excited for my trip to Bristol. Its just one night but I am going to make the most of it. My plan is to set off after lunch and stop at Reading services when I want to put my bra and blouse on. I will get a coffee there and then depends on the weather and what its like but what I fancy doing is putting my heels on and earrings and taking a stroll while having my coffee (outside in the carpark) Then drive the rest of the way, if I arrive before 5pm I am going to do a bit of shopping (there are some Charity shops near by) as I need a handbag still and you never know what might take my fancy. If its cold I might need a scarf or cardi.

Then book into the hotel and get changed then go for a walk around. Change back to something more appropriate and go for a meal and have a quick drink. Maybe on the way back from pub I will change into heels as its near a park so could sit there for a bit. Then back to hotel and skype (cdjanine if you want to chat!)

That's the kind of plan, lots of opportunity to be girly! Nearly forgot, picked up my butt plug, its stainless steel so should be fun to wear, hope to show you all soon.

Girly Hair style

I would like to have a girly hair style, I used to want long hair, then bunches were my thing but now bob's are my favourite!

Wednesday 26 September 2018


Got a trip to Bristol planned, looking for suggestions to places to go, what to do and what to wear!

Monday 3 September 2018


She asked me what she should wear to the party, everything I selected she said was too tarty, and I was just choosing what I wanted not what would be good for her.

So she wore the dress, we left early and on Sunday I wore the dress with stockings, suspenders, bra, panties and heels for 4 hours before I asked to change.....I wished I hadn't asked.

Monday 27 August 2018

Sunday 29 July 2018

Love Heels!

Wednesday 18 July 2018


I have been missing dressing up as the last time was my trip in April so going to try and set some plans in motion asap. All I can come up with so far is a dress up session on the way home from an evening out that I am driving to. On the way home I will be passing the industrial part of town and so should be quiet, a quick change of top and heels will probably have to do and then a quick mince up and down the road. I'd love to put my stockings and suspenders on and a skirt but in the car practically impossible! Hopefully it will be enough to feed my urges... for now!

Now the big satin blouse or  pretty coloured?

not a great picture but you can see the type of thing!

Comments please!

Update: Not all that successful, I drove down there and there were a couple of cars with young men smoking by them looking a bit shifty so then I went to the car park at the bottom of that road and there were more youngsters all parked up. After that went to the leisure park and put my blouse on. Found out that I had forgotten my bra - what a bimbo I am! Went to sainsburys car park and put my heels on and walked round my car. then got changed back so not very eventful. Although I did get a gorgeous guys phone number so not all bad!

Wednesday 11 July 2018

New Girlfriend

Forced to dress like a girl, taken to a club and then given a girlfriend to look after!

Thursday 5 July 2018

Party Dress

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Taken out dressed

by your wife and then forced out into the open...

Dressed for Him

Wednesday 27 June 2018

New wardrobe

Tuesday 26 June 2018




I can't remeber if I have posted this already but thought what the hell!

Monday 25 June 2018

All My Sissy Ideas...

I have a folder on my pinterest page called ideas, its where I put pictures that I want to do something with. Well time has come to make those caps! Hope you enjoy, it will be mainly girly clothes fetish kind of stuff so if you do enjoy then drop me a comment and lets chat and swap ideas.

For John S

Sunday 24 June 2018

Forced Bi

Monday 4 June 2018


Had a lovely chat with a guy who wanted to take me for a walk round a quiet town far from home. I had to choose the outfit so this is what I picked.
This jacket and skirt
this blouse and some 3 inch heels, clutch bag and hooped earings and of course these lips...

Monday 28 May 2018

What I love about crossdressing

I posted this on the tvchix forum, thought I would post it here as well.

I want to talk about something so thought I would say it here. I am a crossdresser, that is to say I enjoy wearing womens clothes, it make me feel good, hot, horny, sexy. I've been doing it since puberty and although married with kids never told my wife. When I get the chance (and these days its not often) I dress and usually end up making a sticky mess.

Even when not dressed I look at clothes (on the TV, out and about, shops and magazines) always thinking what they would be like to wear the clothes. I have a pinterest account with loads of pictues of great outfits and a tumblr account as well. I love chatting to guys and acting the girl, I want to please them (sexually) so consider myself a closet bi-sexual though never been with another man (yet). I am quite submissive and enjoy all sorts of humiliation when it comes to being a sissy-man.

Thats me, hope you get the picture, but what I love when chatting, emailing etc is to be shown what I should wear, what someone thinks I should put on that would make me attractive to them. If a guy shows me a link to some shoes I get so horny, if he says "when we date you should wear this dress" I get so wet. Do others feel the same as me? I'd love to read more captioned images with that sort of feel and stories as well, its the clothes part not the sex part that really turns me on!

Wow, I spilled my mind out on the page, sorry!

Thursday 26 April 2018


Well I did it and had a great time. I stopped at Biggleswade for petrol then pulled up in Sainsbury's carpark. It was quite busy but I put my bra half on before whipping my top off and then pulling it up, then I quickly got my blouse on and fumbled with all the buttons. Once I had it on I felt great and did not worry who was looking. I clipped my hoop earings on then got back on the road. Just feeling the swing of the earings made me feel extra girly. Lots of traffic so I took the stationary time to stuff my bra and gave myself a nice c cup. Was fun when I pulled up next to a person in the passenger seat and they looked across!

Then I decided to put on my lippy, the lorry driver behind was amused I am sure! I did not do a great job but the smell and taste was so erotic. Glancing in the mirror I could see a cute girl (to my eyes!)

I banged on my girly mix tape and enjoyed all the sensations to Grantham. Loved how the seat belt split my boobs.

On arrival at Downtown I parked on the far side, it was quiet as was shutting in 5 minutes, it was also raining a bit. I took my shoes off and put my heels on then got out of the card, heart racing I can tell you, and got my wifes dark pink waterproof jacket out of the boot. I slipped it on and casually walked over to the doors. I did not do the jacket up as wanted to show off my bumps. I walked along the side of the shop and checked my reflection in the window and with my hair parted I did look like a woman, vaguely. I had already passed a few people and nobody was interested so I walked into Downtown and looked at the list of what was where as i wanted to use the ATM. I walked further into the store and scanned the shop, a couple of assistants looked over but no reaction. Then I strolled back out feeling great!

After looking in the window again with one hand in my back pocket to keep the coat out of the way I stopped to have a smoke. I sat on a bench and crossed my legs and watched more cars leaving then walked back to my car. I felt so happy and before I knew it I had produced the pearls I had not worn.

Then there was the way back......

Monday 23 April 2018


Tomorrow I am driving up the A1 from Stevenage to Newark on my own so I thought well maybe I should spice it up a bit! So I have packed a girly outfit and my plan is to stop for petrol early on and while in the car park change into a bra and blouse and my hoop earrings then drive until I get to the sex shop (Pulse and cocktails) maybe pop in there or carry on to Grantham services and downtown shopping which might be closed by then but my plan is to put my heels on with my jeans and take a break. Its not like going out fully dressed but it will be quite exciting for me!

After that change back to normality......then on Wednesday afternoon I will be driving back so stop at services and do a complete change with stockings and skirt, lippy and maybe my wig and stroll around a bit or drive back to nearer home then change again.

Maybe I will get some pics on my phone, if so I will post them. At the very least I will show what I wore. Wish me luck!
Janine xx

Monday 26 February 2018

After he has had his fun

You kneel on the bed, your shallow breath fighting against the tightness of the bra and satin top of the pretty dress you are wearing. You can feel the air around your naked bum, the pull of the stocking straps and the pretty pink heels you choose to go with the sissy girl outfit. Its so embarrassing to wear something like that and let a man actually cum inside you, you are such a faggot, not a man anymore and never to be a woman. You can feel the cum cooling inside you locked in with the plug that he pushed in as he left. The cam is still on, he will be watching so no moving until he calls.

Sunday 28 January 2018


When I get a chance to suck a cock I want to take the full length, suck his sack and lick that helmet.

cdcutey sucks cock