Wednesday 28 July 2010


I do love satin,
by Sandra Silk
This is all so crazy, that I guess I should just put down what happened and let you decide what I should do. To begin with, my name is Carl and I'm 15. Just 15 three weeks ago – and what a three weeks it has been. I live with Donna, my step-mother in a small town outside of New York City. She and my dad have only been married two years and he travels most of the time. So it's usually just Donna and I at home.
And that can make it hard. See, I can't take my eyes off her. Donna is 37, with long, luxurious and oh so curly raven-hair and crystal blue eyes, a breathtaking face and legs that go all the way up to here.
What's worse is she's so…feminine. What I mean is the way she carries herself. The way she moves, smiles, crosses her legs, brushes her hair from her eyes. The way she wears a silk dress or a satin blouse and a simple black chiffon skirt. And her heels and always, always, always stockings. It all makes me…crazy. And I know that she knows it.
Plus she says things. "I'd love to have your complexion," or "What long eyelashes you have," or "That's a pretty color for you." "I swear you really should have been a girl." Maybe because she had three sisters she sees things through a female perspective but sometimes, it can be quite unnerving. And then there was the time she sorta caught me.
Early one morning about two months ago I took one of her ivory satin half- slips and was using it for all of about 5 minutes. C'mon, I have needs, you know. I'm 15, healthy and well you figure it out. I'm in bed around 10 in the morning, my cock wrapped in her satin slip and she walks in my room.
Well, she knocked first, but then walked right in. She was wearing a white silk blouse and a short chiffon skirt and those stockings and heels. The sunlight lit her better than any cinematographer in Hollywood. I had just enough time to pull the covers up.
"Hey sleepyhead, time to get up."
Then she looked down at the way my cock tented the covers and she added with that smile – that 'oh my god I want to kiss her so bad-smile', "I see you're up already."
I blushed furiously and squirmed as she leaned down, her hair falling across her face as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I could smell her perfume and the simple little touch of her pink lipstick on my check was all it took. I exploded into the slip, under the covers, shuddering as I did so.
"Oh, are you cold?"
She ran her perfectly manicured hand across my forehead and through my hair as I shot another rope into her satin slip.
"No…no…no, really…I'm fine."
"Well I'm going shopping with Barbara, I'll be back in a few hours."
She rose from the bed, turned and started to leave. Then, abruptly, she turned, glanced at the covers and noticed the distinct lack of a tent. Her eyes locked into mine and a small, perfect smile formed on those fantastic lips. "See ya later," and with that she was out of my room.
OK, I'll admit it, I could have died right then. I know she knew. But I felt I had dodged a bullet. As soon as I heard the car drive out of the driveway, I was up, showering and dressing and out the door myself. I was off to see Lisa.
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. Lisa is 17, Barbara's daughter and my girlfriend.
OK, she's a girl and a friend and I want to fuck her so badly, but it just hasn't happened yet. We kiss for hours and she once gave me a hand job, but so far, we haven't gone all the way. So now, every time I'm with Lisa all I can think about is…when is it going to happen?
Then, it nearly did. That night Donna told me that she and I were having dinner with Barbara and Lisa. I was overjoyed. Barbara is not only a gorgeous blonde with green eyes and a tush to die for – that girl can cook. Plus Lisa and I had agreed to go to a late movie so it was all going to work out fine.
As dinner neared, Lisa and I were in her room – kissing. A lot. Then came the call and we joined Barbara and Donna at the table. They both looked so good. They had had a successful shopping spree earlier in the day. Barbara wore a green silk wrap dress that set off her long blonde hair perfectly.
I loved the way she wore her pearls as well, they added a wonderful touch of femininity. Donna was dressed in black satin lounge pants and a white satin blouse. I was surrounded by sex. Everywhere I looked there was a feminine delight. Cleavage, a flash of leg, Lisa's kisses had left me with a stone in my pants and now I had to try to eat a pork roast. Impossible.
But, we did. Managed not to spill anything until Donna spoke.
"Honey, Barbara has invited us to stay over tonight. I think it will be fun. So, when you get back from the movies, just stretch out on the couch."
Oh yeah, right. Like I'm not going to sneak up into Lisa's room. I turned and saw a sly smile cross Lisa's face and I agreed that it would be a good idea to stay over.
The movie was probably fine. I don't remember a single frame of it. We stopped for ice cream – I think – on the way home, but really all I could think of was getting back to Lisa's place.
It was after one in the morning. Lisa and I were in her room. We had been kissing for half an hour and rolling around on her bed. Lisa had long favored what she called, "distinctive dressing." She wanted to stand out from the crowd. Tonight, since we were seeing a remake of a '50's monster movie, she had chosen a big poufy satin skirt and some taffeta petticoats and a pale blue silk blouse. She had fixed her hair with pink ribbons and she looked so hot.
Now you have to understand that Lisa could be a bit bossy. It was just her nature. So when she told me to take off my shirt and pants I was both surprised and happy to oblige. I lay on her bed in just my boxers and we continued kissing, my hands playing with her hardening nipples through her blouse.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" she asked.
"I am your boyfriend."
She quickly brushed her fingers across my nipples and asked again, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"
Yes…yes, absolutely."
"Well, I think you should prove it," she said as her red finger nail traced a line up my hairless leg towards my crotch.
"Anything. Do you want to have…sex?" I asked.
She reached the front of my boxers and slipped her hand inside. I squirmed a bit as she gripped me tightly.
"I want you to kiss me."
Now, I had been kissing the hell out of her, so I figured, sure, she wants more kissing.
And with her free hand, she lifted the hem of her dress and pettis, revealing pink satin panties.
I hadn't been there before. I had heard about it, but hadn't quite gotten this close yet. But I was willing and when she rolled over on top of me her dress falling all around me I knew I would do what she wanted. She fluffed her skirts around my chest and leaned down and kissed me. The sound of her pettis made me even more excited. Then, she reached down and yanked my boxers off, leaned down and placed a hot wet kiss on the tip of my engorged cock.
"If you do it right, I will give you a big reward."
I promised to do it as right as I could as she rolled onto her back and a smile spread across her pretty face. I slid down and began a series of kisses up her stocking encased legs until I came face to face with her pink panties. I moved in and planted a light kiss on her pussy as she shuddered in delight. I slipped my fingers into the waistband of her panties and slowly pulled them down. I slowly began nibbling on her lips. I could feel her wetness spreading. Lisa's small moans gradually became not-so-muffled cries of ecstasy as my tongue worked its little magic. My cock, sliding against the satin of her sheets, was harder than ever and began leaking precum.
And then – it got dark. Suddenly, Lisa closed her legs around my head and I felt the taffeta of her pettis and dress cover my back all the way down to my ass as Barbara and Donna entered her room.
"Lisa…honey are you…alright?" said Barbara.
I tried not to move as I felt her hand on my head but it must have made quite a sight.
"LISA! What on earth are you….who is that under your dress?"
"Mother I can explain. He…it's Carl…he just…he…I…I had fallen asleep and the next thing I knew he was…here!"
I struggled to get out from under her dress as I heard the lie escape her lips. That's when I felt the slap on my bare ass.
"Owww," I cried. "Wait…"
When I finally got out from under her skirt – there stood Barbara and Donna, both dressed in matching silk bridal-white baby doll nighties with matching elegant chiffon negligees.
"Carl. Oh my…what have you done? My best friend's daughter…" said a clearly enraged Donna.
"No. It isn't…please. Wait…"
I rolled off the bed, my cock bobbing as I tried to cover myself with Lisa's pink panties.
"My panties! Carl! Mother, Carl…has my panties."
Barbara's eyes narrowed. She was beautiful and angry. She held her hand out and I realized I had to give them to her. I slowly handed them over, trying to cover my cock."
Donna moved towards me, her breasts nearly bursting through the little nighty. At five nine, and with those 3" mules she towered over me.
"Carl…panties? I knew you liked my slips…but have you…have you been wearing my panties too?"
I was thunderstruck. She knew about the slip. I was mortified.
"Donna…no…see…wait…I …your slip was…just the one time. Panties – never."
"He's been using my slips and panties to masturbate. I've been finding them in the hamper the past few weeks."
A smile crossed Lisa's face. She knew she was safe.
"Donna, wait, please I can explain."
Donna moved close to me and took me in her arms, wrapping her negligee around me. "It's alright honey. I understand.
She understood? She understood what? I blushed furiously as I caught Barbara checking out my engorged cock. "Sometimes boys like to wear girl's clothes. It's ok."
I tried to pull away, to proclaim my innocence, but to no avail. Donna held me tight in her chiffon embrace.
I shuddered as the chiffon of her negligee made contact with my arms and my back. I tried desperately to keep my pelvis from making contact, but to no avail. I felt my cock slide against Donna's silky nightgown and I knew I was in danger.
"No…it isn't that way. Please."
"Donna are you saying that Carl…Carl wants to wear panties?" asked Barbara.
"Oh that explains all this," said Lisa with the slyest smile.
"Needs," said Donna. "Needs I think would be a better way to describe it. He just needs to feel silk and satin on his skin. It's a thing some boys go through."
Where did she get that from I wondered. Then she gave me a tighter hug, moving her own pelvis against mine. I struggled a bit, trying to get away, my cock rubbing against the silk that covered her hard belly. Oh please. Don't. I was…so close. And I know she knew.
"They can't control themselves. It's a part of who they are." She looked down at me, placed a finger under my chin, tilting my head up, "Girls like the feeling of silk and satin. You can't control yourself can you sweetie?"
"Girls?" What on earth was she saying? I was about to prove I was no girl. I was so close. The head of my penis was purple and my knees nearly buckled. Then Donna ran her hand down my back and rested it on my ass and then slowly pushed my pelvis into hers.
"Sometimes girls can't control themselves." That did it.
I came. Rope after rope of hot cum poured out against Donna's belly. I tried to escape her grasp, but she held me tight.
"It's alright Carl…you let it out. Let it all out." My knees buckled as Barbara gasped and Lisa screamed in delight.
'Oh my god he's cumming. Mother, look at him…It's Donna's silky nighty that did it. He does…he loves the feel of silk and satin."
A tear raced down my cheek as I felt the world collapsing around me.
"No! No, really, please…it's just that I was so…Lisa…made me…She asked me to kiss her and…oh I am so…."
Ten minutes later I was sitting on the edge of the bed, naked, Barbara and Donna standing in front of me, holding a pink satin night gown.
"You say you don't have a problem, is that right?" asked Barbara. "But, you've stolen your mother's slips and now you've cum all over her nighty, but you don't think you have a problem?"
"No. See, I was just…too excited. I'm so sorry. Please don't make me wear that nightgown."
"No one is going to make you do anything Carl. But we need to determine something. If you can't control yourself, then perhaps that is an indication that you need to explore another side of yourself. The feminine side. Now, isn't that fair?" asked Barbara.
"I can. I can control myself. Honest."
"Well then we will just try a little experiment. For one day, you dress in the clothes that you seem to love so much. If you can keep from messing your pretty new things, if you can control yourself, we'll forget this whole episode. However, if you fail, then Donna and I agree that you should spend another day or two exploring your feminine side. So…are we in agreement?"
"Oh, no. Please…I couldn't. I promise I will never touch anything of yours again, Donna. Please don't make me do this. Barbara please, I promise that I will never see Lisa again."
"No. You either learn to control yourself or…you learn more about yourself. It's either that or we have a discussion with your father when he returns."
That idea terrified me. He would never understand. Never. He wouldn't be home for another week or so. I could do it. I could control myself for one day.
"OK. For one day. I agree."
"That means you don't cum in your panties or night gowns or in your dress…
"Dress? What dress?" I cried.
"You will dress as a girl for a day. Girls wear dresses. And panties and pearls and makeup – you will dress that way for one day. And control yourself. Or we tell your dad," said Barbara.
I was resigned to the idea. I had just come like a racehorse against my step-mother's beautiful nightgown and she didn't seem at all mad. She was giving me a chance to prove myself. Now all I had to do was control myself for one simple day.


Anonymous said...

Mmm..satin panties! :)
Great story and pic...thanks!

CD Janine said...

Glad you enjoyed them. I am also glad someone is reading this blog. Today I bought my first wig!
Janine xxxx

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. love it. xx

sophie said...

oh pleaqse continue hon...i am dying to know more!

Anonymous said...

Honey - that's my story! I am soooo glad you liked it. I'm working on another and would love to post it with you too.



Anonymous said...

Sissy won't be able to control not cumming in his panties in that silk! I know I couldn't, lol! Great tale...and pics!

Chrisissy said...

Great story!